Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Upcoming Releases for Shadowrun

Hey chummer, here are two new supplements for Shadowrunn arriving this summer:

Shadowrun: No Future
$49.99 SRP

A key part of Shadowrun’s longtime appeal is its setting, where cyberpunk blends with fantasy and a lot of attitude. No Future emphasizes the "punk" part of cyberpunk, offering new details about the setting including current music acts, popular and underground trid shows, media sources, and Sixth World sports from both the mainstream and the fringes, and all sorts of pirate media from people following the core DIY principles of punk. With detailed setting information and game rules for creating and using characters who rise out of Sixth World culture, No Future is an indispensable resource for gamemasters and players who want to experience the full richness of Shadowrun.
Shadowrun: Neo-Anarchist's Streetpedia
$34.99 SRP

There are many ways to enter Shadowrun’s Sixth World setting—the classic RPG, the story-focused Shadowrun: Anarchy RPG, card games, board games, computer games, dice games, and more. What all these things have in common is the gritty, detailed Shadowrun world, one of the primary hooks that draws people to the games. No matter how people play, they can benefit from The Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia, perhaps the most detailed reference to the Sixth World ever produced. With hundreds of entries on topics ranging from Ares to the Zürich-Orbital Habitat and written in a lively, engaging style, this book will be a useful reference to anyone wanting to keep up with the details in one of gaming’s all-time great settings.
Order by Date: June 1, 2019
Release Date: June 2019

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