Sunday, October 27, 2024

Asmodee and MAPP


One thing I have always found annoying s companies saying they take violations of street date and MAP violations seriously but never show any evidence of it.  Legend Story Studies publishes a list of retail stores that have been suspended, for unnamed reasons, from selling the company’s Flesh and Blood card game and participating in organized play events which indicates the company takes seriously violations of  its posted rules by  retailers selling the game. Meanwhile, companies such as Wizards of the Coast, The Pokemon Company and Konami says they take seriously and enforce their policies regarding breaking street dates and violating MAP, stores that report violations never see any apparent results from any reports made. Wizards of the Coast has stated a number of times the company welcomes reports of street date violations but does not comment on them and Asmodee NA states specifically in its MAP policy (Section 2:10) that:

“ANA refuses to engage in any communication with Resellers regarding whether a competing Reseller’s advertised pricing behavior is consistent with the ANA MAP Policy. ANA assumes sole responsibility for monitoring and enforcing the MAP Policy and will not discuss such activities with any Reseller, except for the limited purposes of discussing an individual Reseller’s own advertised pricing behavior or penalties relating to the same.”

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Disney Lorcana and Melee

 The store hosted a Disney Lorcana Shimmering Skies Store Championship earlier this month and the turnout provided yet more evidence that the once hot game is cooling off dramatically. Whereas for our first Store Championship we had people driving 2 to 3 hours to get here and easily an hour for our second one, this event struggled to fill the required 8 seats. All the players were locals that played in our regular weekly league which was certainly good but not even all of them showed up to play, meaning we had to readjust the Melee tournament software to account for the fewer numbers than expected. We managed to do it but we have found that Melee’s tournament software does not make anything easy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Hako Onna

 Hako Onna (The Woman in the Box) is based on a Japanese ghost story. One of the players is the Hako Onna who tries to hide from the other players, until she gets hungry, then she starts hunting the other players. Meanwhile the other players just want to escape the mansion before they fall victim to the Hako Onna. 3-5 players and plays in about 90 minutes

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


 In the flood of themed cookbooks getting released, we got in the Brigerton Cookbook today, as well as a restock of the Stardew Valley cookbook. We still have copies of the Critical Role and Dungeons and Dragons cookbooks as well.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Haunted Carbondale Tour

 This Friday is our final scheduled Haunted Carbondale tour of the season, though you can always schedule one as long as you have at least 4 people and your schedule meets with Scott's. 

On October 11ths tour, we had two interesting incidents happen. During the tour itself, we were in the Main Street office when we heard 3 light knocks that sounded as if they came from the front door, though the people on the tour though they sounded as if they came from a table in the office.

the other incident took place on Sunday afternoon. I was putting away Saluki flags from Homecoming weekend. I was in the freight shipping section of the old train depot and I heard what sounded like two women talking to each other in the southern section of the depot. I could not make out what they said and the conversation only lasted a few seconds. I took a look around inside and outside but did not see anyone but, if they were outside, they could have quickly walked away.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Duskmourn Nightmare Bundle

 For $89.99 this is a pretty good deal. You get 2 Duskmourn collector boosters, a $60 to $70 value, 6 Duskmourn Play boosters, a $30 value, 20 foil full art land cards and 2 of 6 promotional cards only available in the Bundle.  As of this writing, We only have 6 of these left. The major problem is that the box is not a typical Bundle box as opening it damages the box so that it cannot be used for card storage.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Biff Bam Boom Comics

 In case you want to take a look and support small press publishers, take a look at Biff Bam Boom Comics. We met them at Archon and brought in a selection of their comics which we have on the Local Authors shelf and hope to have in the store sometime,